If you have not heard by now, the internet is big business. The internet has given thousands if not millions of people a way to start a business and connect directly with the consumer. They can literally have a one on one dialogue in a matter of seconds. Communication between business owner and consumer has never been this open before due to social media. With communication being so easy, have you considered starting an internet business?
Ways to start an internet business
1). Picking a niche you have passion for
It is important to start a business with a purpose. Without a purpose, you will not be able to persevere through the bad times. Now, this is not to say you can’t pick something that is not your passion and still be profitable. You can still make money this way. However, if you pick a niche that interest you, odds are you are going to continue that business when things get rough. For example, take a look at Mimi G. Style. She loves fashion, sewing, and making her own clothing. She has created an internet business out of something she loves. She wakes up everyday and her hobby is how she makes money. She obviously knows what #ABL means. Check her out here.
2). Do your research on your niche
This is a critical mistake that many people make when starting an internet business. For example, Google your niche and see what pops up. Are there a lot of people creatively dominating your niche? Is your niche under-served? Are their a lot of people who are engaging in your niche? What is the competition doing right that has put them at the top of the niche? What can you do differently and creatively that sets you apart from them? Once you get the answer for these questions, you should have a good idea if you can monetize that particular niche.
3). Write out your plan of attack
Plan your work and work your plan. Before you go buy a website and design it, you need to write out your strategy plan. Set hard deadlines to keep you focus. The first question in your strategic planning is how are you going to build your community. How will your consumers know you exist? What are you willing to give them in order for them to follow you? Notice I did not say what are you going to “charge” them in order for them to follow you. If this is going to work, you will have to give of yourself. Take your time with writing out your plan and recite it every day when you wake up and every night before you go to bed. None of this will be possible if you do not have faith in yourself.
4). Surround yourself with those who are already successful
Understand you will not have all of the answers now, but you do need to get started. However, surround yourself with people who can take you to the next level. These are people who are where you want to go. Surround yourself with people who are on the same journey as you. You can learn so much from people when you connect with them. I will also let you in on a little secret. Those people love to help others reach their goals! Find out who the leaders are in the industry are, study their habits, and make their habits your own habits. Kind of like how Kobe studied Jordan.
Data Source: Ibbotson Associates, 2014 (1926–2013)
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