Reading is fun-to-mental, that’s an old-school mantra that applies to existing business owners and those just starting out. Learning about business is an never-ending process. Books should be used as part of that learning. Having a successful business is about the actions you take. You need to know the how, what, and when of building a business–delivering a viable product or service, managing employees, growing a customer base, and bettering yourself. Checkout out five books that are helping black entrepreneurs become successful.
- The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard. This book helped me completely rethink my management style, especially with remote workers. All the principles that the author describes are critical for successfully running a remote company: encouraging employees to think on their own, refraining from micromanaging, giving praise and quickly correcting problems. Everyone should read this book, and then work on fixing their own managerial style.
– Dave Nevogt,
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