3 Things To Learn From 10-year old Founder of Bee Sweet Presentation at Google

[socialBuzz] 3 Things To Learn From 10-year old Founder of Bee Sweet Presentation at Google


Mikaila Ulmer is on her way to be a millionare at the tender age of 10 years old. She created a special product called Bee Sweet Lemonade. She started off very small. But now her product is in grocery store chain Whole Foods across the country. Mikaila Ulmer was invited to present her business and lessons she learned at Google in Austin, Texas. With a room full of Google executives, Mikaila present the lessons she has learned from being a entrepreneur since the age of five. Take a look for yourself.

1st lesson

Working hard is a must. Mikaila talks about having to wear a lot of hats when you are starting out. Marketing, Product Development, and etc are areas that you have to work by yourself if you do not have a team behind you. However, it is during this start up phase that you have to remain focused and complete all of your goals in order to become profitable.

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